Redundant Reconfigurable Parallel Robots
Comparing parallel robots
This research (under the superviotion of prof. Beno Benhabib), on reconfigurable robots focused on the analysis and synthesis of the robot sturtuctre. Several arcitectures of parallel robots were compared, and the best one was selected based on the coverage of workspace and stiffnesses along given tool paths.
Multi-Tier optimization
The meso-Milling Machine Tool design is determined based on a Multi-tier optimization, which include : architecture, set-up, configuration (tool path), actuation schema, machine posture (based on stiffness/accuracy).

Synthesis of reconfigurable parallel robots
The paper presents an approach to the design of a redundant reconfigurable parallel kinematic mechanism (RR-PKM). The design process considers redundancy, that can switch between configurations with lockable joints. In the movie a new 6×PRPRS robot changes between the UofT-PKM and the Eclipse-PKM.

Reconfiguration from the : (left) 7-dof Eclipse to (right) the 7-dof UofT PKM.